Folklore Fridays: Faeries

Folklore Fridays: Faeries

Faeries, also known as fairies or fae, have been a part of human folklore and mythology for centuries. They are often depicted as magical and mischievous creatures, and their symbolism and significance continue to inspire and awe people to this day. Today, we will explore the world of faeries in folklore.

Faeries in Folklore

Faeries are magical creatures that are often associated with nature, the elements, and the spiritual world. They are believed to have the power to grant wishes, create magic, and cause mischief. In folklore, they are often depicted as small, winged creatures with pointed ears and a mischievous smile.

William Blake, Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing (c.1786)

The Origins of Faeries

The origins of faeries are rooted in Celtic and Norse mythology, where they were believed to be powerful and magical beings. In Celtic mythology, they were associated with the Otherworld, a magical realm that existed alongside the mortal world. In Norse mythology, they were associated with the land of the elves, a world of magic and wonder.

The Role of Faeries in Folklore

Faeries have played an important role in human folklore and mythology, where they are often depicted as magical and mischievous creatures. They are believed to have the power to grant wishes, create magic, and cause mischief. In many cultures, faeries are associated with the elements of nature, and their presence is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

William Holmes Sullivan, Fairy Dance (c.1882)

The Different Types of Faeries

There are many different types of faeries in folklore, each with their own unique characteristics and symbolism. Some of the most popular types of faeries include the water faeries, earth faeries, air faeries, and fire faeries. Each type of faerie is associated with a different element and possesses unique magical powers.

Not All Faeries are Friendly

In folklore, faeries are often depicted as mischievous creatures that can cause harm if angered or offended. It is important to treat faeries with respect and caution, if you do not wish to find out the ways they can bring harm.

Faerie rings are another danger to look out for, while this phenomena is quite beautiful and might look inviting, it is best not to interact with them. It is said that if one dances around a Faerie ring, they could be transported to the Faerie realm.

However, their presence is often seen as a sign of good luck and prosperity. If you find one of these rings in the forest, feel free to admire them and take pictures, or even leave an offering. But take care not to walk around them in a circle, not everyone who is transported to the Faerie realm, returns.

Faerie rings usually consist of fungi, but can also be flowers growing in a circle. 

The Symbolism of Faeries

Faeries are often associated with nature, magic, and the spiritual world. They are believed to have the power to grant wishes, create magic, and bring good luck and prosperity. In many cultures, they are also associated with the afterlife, where they are believed to guide souls to the other side.


In conclusion, the world of faeries in folklore is a fascinating subject that continues to inspire and awe people to this day. From their origins in Celtic and Norse mythology to their role in human folklore, faeries are an integral part of human culture and traditions. So the next time you see a butterfly or a dragonfly, remember that it may be a faerie in disguise.



  • Can faeries be seen by humans?

In folklore, faeries are often depicted as invisible creatures that can only be seen by those who possess magical powers or are in tune with the spiritual world. However, some people believe that faeries can be seen by humans if they possess a certain level of spiritual awareness.

  • Can faeries grant wishes?

In folklore, faeries are often believed to have the power to grant wishes, but it is important to remember that they are mischievous creatures who may not always grant wishes as expected.

  • How can one connect with faeries?

One can connect with faeries by spending time in nature, creating an altar, shrine or faerie garden to honour them, or by meditating on their presence. It is important to approach faeries with respect and caution, as they are believed to have the power to grant wishes and cause mischief.

  • Can faeries bring good luck and prosperity?

In many cultures, faeries are associated with good luck and prosperity. Their presence is believed to bring abundance and prosperity, and their blessings are sought after by many people. However, it is important to remember that faeries are mischievous creatures who may not always bring good luck as expected.


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